Avard Law Blog
Common Injuries Suffered by Healthcare Workers in Florida
Working in the healthcare industry can be rewarding and fulfilling as a career. However, it is also essential to be [...]
Can You Be Disqualified From Receiving Workers Compensation in Florida?
In 2020, 275 Florida workers suffered fatal work-related injuries. According to the same report, transportation and fall incidents are primarily [...]
Should You Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer in Florida?
According to a crash stat published by the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles in 2020, the state reported 341,399 [...]
Injured Motorcycle Passengers Can File Claims in Florida
Motorcycle accidents in Florida are prevalent and if you are a victim of this type of accident, you should [...]
“Am I Being Watched?”: Surveillance During Florida Personal Injury Cases
If you’ve just filed a personal injury lawsuit following an accident, be prepared for good news and bad news. The [...]
Documentation To Show Your Personal Injury Attorney in Florida
If you have been in an accident and sustained injuries, you should know that you can issue a claim [...]
Senate Urged to Pass Honoring Our Pact Act: Toxic-Exposed Veterans Deserve Health Care and Benefits
Toxic exposure has long been a hot topic among service members and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VA [...]
Aviation Cancer Examination Study Act
Representative August Pfluger, R-Texas, recently submitted a new bill for legislative consideration designed to require the Department of Veterans [...]
VA Expands List of Presumptive Conditions Due To Burn Pit Exposure: Nine Rare Cancers Added To The List For Gulf War Veterans
Following the recent establishment of presumptive service connection for asthma, sinusitis and rhinitis due to presumed exposure to particulate [...]
What Types of Accidents Could Cause a Wrongful Death in Florida?
Accidents happen around the globe every single day. The World Health Organization states that almost 1.3 million lives are [...]