Reviews by Professionals

Supreme Court Judge Thanks Avard Law

January 2015: “Dear Counselors, I have practiced law fifty-seven years, thirty-seven as an appellate judge, and fourteen on the Iowa Supreme Court. The legal brief that you sent to me, representing my daughter, is among the very best I have ever read. Thank you for your great work as superb lawyers.”

Yours Truly,
Bruce M. Snell Jr.

Former Chief Deputy Sheriff Recommends Avard as “Outstanding Law Firm”

October 2015: “I was in Law Enforcement for 23 years and have seen numerous law firms perform in Criminal and Civil cases. After becoming unexpectedly disabled I was placed in a position where I now needed representation for my Social Security Disability case. After asking around several people recommended the Avard law firm, they all said they were a good firm. Those recommendations of Avard being a good firm was a severe understatement, they are an outstanding firm.

With some law firms it’s just about the money, but the Avard Law Firm truly cares about their clients and will fight to the end for what is right and just. I had numerous instances where the Social Security Judge violated not only my rights but social security law and they caught him every time, they are not afraid to fight for their clients. It has been my experience watching lawyers perform in court over the years that most of the time they are unprepared and looking to make the quick deal and buck, but not this firm. They are heavily involved in their cases and are completely prepared when representing a client. As far as their expertise in the law you cannot find a more knowledgeable firm and they will do everything in their power to get you what is deserved.

I won my case due to their hard work and dedication to the client, I strongly recommend this firm to anyone needing representation and you would be doing yourself an injustice by going with any other Law Firm.”

Charlie F

Fellow Attorney Reviews Avard Law

Dear Ms. Avard,

I practiced law for 30 years, primarily as a litigator. I was recently represented by one of your attorneys, Mark Zakhvatayev, in a Social Security matter. Based on my experience, I have the following observations:

  • Mark presented himself well in all of our interactions. He was friendly, but professional. He also gave the impression of quiet confidence.
  • Mark knew the pertinent law. He was able to respond to questions quickly and with authority. That was particularly impressive since my questions may have been more complex than those asked by other clients.
  • Mark had an excellent command of the facts, even as the case was developing. I was surprised, on a number of occasions, at what he could remember off the top of his head.
  • Mark presented himself well at the hearing. He was in control and able to adjust quickly to any unforeseen developments. I was confident that he knew what he was doing.

In my opinion, Mark is an asset to your firm and will remain so for years to come. Your office is fortunate to have him. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions regarding the above.

Gary Stephen Elisha


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